StructLDM: Structured Latent Diffusion for 3D Human Generation

ECCV 2024

Tao Hu,    Fangzhou Hong,    Ziwei Liu*   
S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University      *corresponding author    

TL;DR: StructLDM is a new paradigm (vs. existing 3D GAN) for 3D human generation from 2D image collections, with 3 key designs: a structured 2D latent space, a structured autodecoder, and a structured latent diffusion model.

StructLDM generates diverse view-consistent humans, and supports different levels of controllable generation and editing, such as compositional generations by blending the five selected parts from a), and part-aware editing such as identity swapping, local clothing editing, 3D virtual try-on, etc. Note that the generations and editing are clothing-agnostic without clothing types or masks conditioning.


Recent 3D human generative models have achieved remarkable progress by learning 3D-aware GANs from 2D images. However, existing 3D human generative methods model humans in a compact 1D latent space, ignoring the articulated structure and semantics of human body topology. In this paper, we explore more expressive and higher-dimensional latent space for 3D human modeling and propose StructLDM, a diffusion-based unconditional 3D human generative model that is learned from 2D images. StructLDM solves the challenges imposed due to the high-dimensional growth of latent space with three key designs: 1) A semantic structured latent space defined on the dense surface manifold of a statistical human body template. 2) A structured 3D-aware auto-decoder that factorizes the global latent space into several semantic body parts parameterized by a set of conditional structured local NeRFs anchored to the body template, which embeds the properties learned from the 2D training data and can be decoded to render view-consistent humans under different poses and clothing styles. 3) A structured latent diffusion model for generative human appearance sampling. Extensive experiments validate StructLDM's state-of-the-art generation performance and illustrate the expressiveness of the structured latent space over the well-adopted 1D latent space. Notably, StructLDM enables different levels of controllable 3D human generation and editing, including pose/view/shape control, and high-level tasks including compositional generations, part-aware clothing editing, 3D virtual try-on, etc.

Method Overview

Two-stage framework. In Stage 1, given a training dataset containing various human subject images with estimated SMPL and camera parameters distribution, an auto-decoder is learned to optimize the structured latent z ∈ Z for each training subject. Each latent can be rendered into pose- and view-dependent images by a structured volumetric renderer G1 and a global style mixer (GM) G2. In Stage 2, the auto-decoder parameters are frozen and the learned structured latent Z are then used to train a latent diffusion model. At inference time, latents are randomly sampled and decoded by G2 ◦ G1 for human rendering.

Consistent Human Editing in UV-based Latent Space

StructLDM enables compositional 3D human generation and part-aware editing. Taking six body parts from a), coherent composition and blending results can be achieved in b). Using the Diff-Render procedure, part-aware editing enables lots of downstream tasks in c).

Diverse Generations on UBCFashion

Diverse Generations on RenderPeople

Compositional Generations

Novel View Synthesis on UBCFashion

Full Video Demo


This study is supported by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, under its MOE AcRF Tier 2 (MOE-T2EP20221-0012), NTU NAP, and under the RIE2020 Industry Alignment Fund – Industry Collaboration Projects (IAF-ICP) Funding Initiative, as well as cash and in-kind contribution from the industry partner(s).


      title={StructLDM: Structured Latent Diffusion for 3D Human Generation}, 
      author={Tao Hu and Fangzhou Hong and Ziwei Liu},